It seems that all of my posts start with an unfortunate need to apologise for my absence. There's been a lot going on in my little bubble lately - some exciting, some more of an annoyance but hey ho, that's life; we roll with the punches and throw them back when needed. Anyway, I've got a quick announcement and then I'll proceed to profess my love for my new favourite cosmetics - I've quit my day job. This is less reckless than it first seems, because I do actually have a new job lined up but not for a couple of weeks. Basically, writing is all I've ever wanted to do (aside from being a Disney princess) and I'm at a point where I just really want to give it my all and see how it pans out; I could fall spectacularly on my face and end up rummaging for pennies in the darkest folds of my sofa but I'm going to give it a shot. So yeah, the security blanket of regular income and 9-5 life has been temporarily abandoned.
Anyway, I made the oh so sensible decision to have a bit of a splurge on the Selfridges website last week to take full advantage of their 20% discount. In a bid to make myself feel a little bit better about the bomb which hit my bank account, I decided to write a post about my purchases because that just totally justifies me blowing a significant proportion of my final paycheck, right? I thought so. Here goes...
1. The Foundation.

I've wanted to try the
Armani Luminous Silk Foundation for what feels like a lifetime. It's held in such high regard by s
o many of the top beauty bloggers, particularly by my all time favourite -
ViviannaDoesMakeup. In terms of finish, it's difficult to describe, it's not like any other foundation I've used - in the best way possible! It's quite matte without being cakey, and most importantly it's still got that dewy, luminosity about it. In short, I love how this sits on my skin. I'm notorious for liking quite a full coverage foundation but that often comes at the price of feeling like I've got an extra 5 layers of skin on my face, yet this one feels light as air whilst still giving me that much needed coverage. A final note? This foundation contains no SPF which makes it great for nights out because you won't get that dreaded white-face-tanned-body look in your photos. I mean, who wants to spend £34 on a foundation and have it ruin their #selfie game on Instagram? Nobody. But on a serious note, because of the lack of SPF, if you are going to wear this foundation in the sun then you need to layer it over some sun protection.
2. The New Nude.

I confess, when it comes to lipstick, red will always be my colour of choice. For the past few years, the red pigment on my lips has been as consistent as the rain in Wales. I don't actually remember how this great love affair began, but it's reached a point where I don't even feel like myself if my lips are missing their signature coat of crimson. Yes, I realise that this sounds absolutely ridiculous, which is why I'm trying to change it up a little. Enter Charlotte Tilbury and her K.i.s.s.i.n.g lipstick in Penelope Pink. Now, I do love a nude lip on other people, I think it looks so glamorous when paired with a smokey eye whereas red can sometimes look a little too over the top. I admit, I'm still trying to get used to myself with a nude lip - hence the lack of photo of me sporting my lovely new cosmetics. However, it has been two whole days since I reached for my beloved Mac Ruby Woo, and trust me - that's quite the accomplishment. One of my favourite things about the K.i.s.s.i.n.g lipstick is its formula; it's enriched with an anti-oxidant that naturally protects lips from UV damage and external pollution, yet it's also blended with special waxes and light-diffusing pigments which give the impression of fuller lips. I've been using this on top of the Charlotte Tilbury Lip Cheat Pencil in Iconic Nude, so the longevity of the colour has been perfect - I barely have to touch it up throughout the day.
3. The Perfect Contour.

First things first, we all know it's what's on the inside that counts - but can we please forget that for a moment and admire this packaging? I was smitten with this palette before even opening it - I honestly became something akin to Gollum in LOTR, stroking my new "precious." Anyway, I eventually got a grip and opened Charlotte Tilbury's Filmstar Bronze & Glow, and fell further in love. Let's rewind a little to the fateful day that I bought these products - this palette was the one thing I was unsure of. I didn't know if I could justify the rather hefty price tag, but it's something I've wanted to try for so long. I mean, how much difference can one highlighter really make? Apparently, quite the difference. Admittedly, I still don't have cheekbones to rival Cara Delevingne but this product definitely helped. The smallest amount of product goes a long way, the powder is so pigmented. The Filmstar Bronze & Glow palette really helps you transform your facial framework; you can sculpt, define, shorten, slim and highlight your features all whilst gaining a truly lovely golden finish. I've only used it twice so far, and I want to watch more videos of Charlotte using it so I can really maximise the product and get the best results, but once I'm a little bit more familiar with this product, I'll write another post and put in a few pictures so you can see what I mean - I'll even use my new nude lipstick!
What about you guys? Any new make-up wonder products that I need to know about? As much as my bank account hates me for it, I'm always on the hunt.
Thanks for reading